10 facts about… TOAST

27 04 2010

1. Contrary to unpopular belief, “Toast” denotes any bread product that has been toasted.

2. The word “toast” comes from the latin “tostare,” meaning “to toast.”

3. The process of toasting involves closely exposing a bread product to a source of radiant heat for a short time, causing the outer surface to crispen and thereby become delicious.

4. “Soldiers” are the colloquial name for sliced strips of toast, commonly used to dip into boiled eggs but may also be covered with any type of spread and eaten as a less messy and cumbersome alternative to eating a whole piece of toast.  The number of “ranks” depends on how many slices are made of the piece of toast, and it is commonly believed that eating the Colonel first is bad for morale.

5. French Toast, while delicious, is not true toast because it’s the eggy coating that is browned, not the bread itself.  Moreover it is typically prepared in a pan and therefore fried, not toasted.

6. Canadian neurosurgeon Dr. Wilder Penfield, while operating on epilepsy patients, discovered the “Toast Centre” of the human brain, which is wholly dedicated to detecting when toast is burning.


8. and so should you !

9.unless your allergic :S

10. Tell me why you like or don’t like toast…

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Corn Bread

30 03 2010

I am trying  for the second time Bob’s Red Mill Corn Bread Mix. I tried it once befor to see if it worked so that when I did this blog as I went along it would not end up a disaster! I have to say that  it makes amazing fresh bread, but the only thing about it is that its kind of a rip off. Not only because of its expensive price but the recipe on the back says 2 1/2 cups of the mix for one batch, but it only holds 4 1/2 cups in the bag  so there is not enough left to make a second batch.

So me thinking they were nice people went to make a second batch. so with that 1/2 cup of mix missing i had to use math to figure out how to take out 1/5 out of all the other things i needed to add. 😡 Math was not something I wanted to think about over my Spring Break!!!

It hasn’t completely smelled up the house yet so I guess its not done!!!

Remember Bob’s Red Mill Corn Bread Mix …   Happy Cooking!!!

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It is now cooking and I just realized that yay i forgot to look at the time when I put it in. Well I guess this will prove how good of a cook I can be! Alough that may be a set back the bread is rising well!! 🙂

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