Corn Bread

30 03 2010

I am trying  for the second time Bob’s Red Mill Corn Bread Mix. I tried it once befor to see if it worked so that when I did this blog as I went along it would not end up a disaster! I have to say that  it makes amazing fresh bread, but the only thing about it is that its kind of a rip off. Not only because of its expensive price but the recipe on the back says 2 1/2 cups of the mix for one batch, but it only holds 4 1/2 cups in the bag  so there is not enough left to make a second batch.

So me thinking they were nice people went to make a second batch. so with that 1/2 cup of mix missing i had to use math to figure out how to take out 1/5 out of all the other things i needed to add. 😡 Math was not something I wanted to think about over my Spring Break!!!

It hasn’t completely smelled up the house yet so I guess its not done!!!

Remember Bob’s Red Mill Corn Bread Mix …   Happy Cooking!!!

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It is now cooking and I just realized that yay i forgot to look at the time when I put it in. Well I guess this will prove how good of a cook I can be! Alough that may be a set back the bread is rising well!! 🙂

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